John McKown wrote:

>"Ada is PL/I trying to be Smalltalk. -- Codoso diBlini"
>And a few other amusing quotes.

Amusing indeed. Thanks. ;-)

"A program is never less than 90% complete, and never more than 95% complete. 
-- Terry Baker "

I'm confused by this one. Are bugs+documentation included in those numbers or 
not? ;-0

"And thou shalt make loops . . .        -- Exodous 24:6"

should be  -- Exodus 26:4

>To lighten up the atmosphere from some of the recent OT messages.

Indeed. It is high time. In a few nanoseconds it will be Friday! ;-)

>I have _not_ lost my mind! It is backed up on a flash drive somewhere.

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Format it!

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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