It depends. Some shops specify SYS(TYPE(xxx)) to only record selected records 
in SMFPRMxx.
Others specify (SYS(NOTYPE(xxx)) to record everything except type xxx


I asked this question on the ACF2 list. The only answer I got was from the 
always-helpful Lizette who indicated a low degree of certainty in her answer 
and suggested that I ask here.

I am trying to clarify some product documentation and clean up some internal 
logic - I don't have an actual "problem."

Question: Assuming an ACF2 shop wants to cut SMF 230 (or other as
configured) records, is it sufficient to specify ACF2=230 on the @SMF macro of 
the ACFFDR in UM99901, or is it also necessary that the shop specify
SYS(TYPE(230)) or the equivalent in the SMFPRMxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB 

We don't run ACF2 so I can't experiment (but we have customers that do).

The documentation of SMFPRMxx TYPE() would seem to imply that SMF "suppresses" 
any record type not specified in SMFPRMxx, but I know from experiments that I 
can write a user SMF record successfully with SMF(E)WTM even if the type is not 
in SMFPRMxx. However, that's not the whole answer because a third party product 
such as ACF2 *could* use SMFRTEST to see if the customer wanted 230's or not, 
and if TYPE(230) were not specified, not write them.

I also have a customer that I know is writing 230's that I asked to eyeball a D 
SMF,O and they said 230 was not in there, but I am not sure that I trust their 

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