On Tue, 8 Oct 2013 10:35:26 -0500, Mark Zelden <m...@mzelden.com> wrote:

>On Tue, 8 Oct 2013 08:14:44 -0700, Skip Robinson <jo.skip.robin...@sce.com> 
>>The last couple of posts in this thread have overlooked Andy Higgins's
>>observation that &SYSR1--or any symbolic for that matter--cannot be used
>>to catalog a data set in the PARMLIB concatenation. The reason is that
>>symbolics are defined in PARMLIB members that themselves cannot be located
>>and processed until NIP knows how to find PARMLIB data sets. It's a
>>chicken-egg problem.
>&SYSR1 is a special case and is available to resolve the VOLSER, even
>in LOADxx.   It can't be used to resolve a data set name however
>prior to symbol processing.   For example, LOADxx can NOT use
>So it can be used anywhere ****** is used in catalog entries.   I 
>disagree with Mr. Gilmore's assertion that it "should" be used.  
>They are logically equivalent, so i wouldn't go recatalogging 
>all my master catalog data sets "just because".

I have to partially retract what I posted.   It is a documented restriction
for PARMLIB in LOADxx - Unless the volser is also coded as &SYSR1.

From Init and Tuning Reference:

2.8.1  Restrictions:

The following cannot be catalogued with a system symbol:  
Any parmlib data set listed in LOADxx without a volume name.  
Any parmlib data set (including SYS1.PARMLIB) can be catalogued with six 
asterisks (******).

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS  
ITIL v3 Foundation Certified                                     
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html 
Systems Programming expert at http://search390.techtarget.com/ateExperts/
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