on 04/16/2008
   at 09:31 AM, David Boyes <> said:

>The key to what I want is the Bookmaster tag set,

>From what you wrote further on, you really mean BookManager; the
BookManager/BUILD tag set is a superset of BookMaster.

>Bookmaster/BUILD VM

ITYM BookManager/BUILD VM; the is no BookMater/BUIL or

>It'd still be nice to have something on Linux that understands 
>1403 listings, though. 

There are definitely programs out there that understand ANSI carriage
control; I'm not sure about machine carriage control.

Your aspirations are modest; what I want is a full port of DCF,
BookMaster and BookManager to Linux or OS/2.
     Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
     ISO position; see <> 
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