
Thanks for your question and help.

No program was encountered, I am a ccurious person, and just want to know how 
does omegamon work. Of course, i think the answer of these question will help 
me a lot if any problem found. Thank you very much.


在 2013-12-29 21:00:57,"Lizette Koehler" <> 写道:
>I have a few questions
>What version of Omegamon CICS?
>What version of CICS?
>What version of z/OS?
>What are you trying to understand?  
>Is there a problem with the install? 
>A problem with collecting data in Omegamon?  
>Is there a resource issue with z/OS and Omegamon?  
>Is something not working correctly?
>Is there a customization issue?  Is there a usage issue?  
>Has any maintenance been installed and now something is not working?
>What issues are you having with this product?
>It will help us provide a better answer by knowing these answers.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
>> Behalf Of lltvw
>> Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2013 2:53 AM
>> Subject: how omegamon addrwss space CANSC5 communicate with CANSO2O
>> Dear list,
>> I have a question on omegamon, please help to take a look, thanks in
>> As omegamon for CICS has three basic address space as following:
>> CANSO2O   -  CUA address space
>> CANSC5      -  Classic address space and collector
>> CANSC2      -  XE agent
>> My question is how does  address space  CANSC5 communicate with the other
>> two. By which methodology. And also the transaction run on CICS region.
>> Thanks.
>> --
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