
I'm having a problem with running Debug Tool.
I'm getting a "EQA1872E An error occurred while opening file" but I have no 
idea of WHY it tries that.
The end of the log:
  SET KEYS ON 12 ;
 /*    USE 'S000TBE.DT.COMMANDS(ALLPROCS)' ;                           */
 /*      ALLSESS : PROCEDURE ;                                         */
 /*        USE 'S000TBE.DT.COMMANDS(ALLSESS)' ;                        */
 /*      END ;                                                         */
 /*      ALLENTRY : PROCEDURE ;                                        */
 /*        USE 'S000TBE.DT.COMMANDS(ALLENTRY)' ;                       */
 /*      END ;                                                         */
 /*      INITCU : PROCEDURE ;                                          */
 /*        USE 'S000TBE.DT.COMMANDS(INITCU)' ;                         */
 /*      END ;                                                         */
 /*      USE 'S000TBE.DT.COMMANDS(ALLPGMS)' ;                          */
 /*        KVAMKNR : PROCEDURE ;                                       */
 /*          USE 'S000TBE.DT.COMMANDS(KVAMKNR)' ;                      */
 /*        END ;                                                       */
 /*        GKVAMKNR : PROCEDURE ;                                      */
 /*          USE 'S000TBE.DT.COMMANDS.GENCMD(KVAMKNR)' ;               */
 /*        END ;                                                       */
 /*        USE 'S000TBE.DT.COMMANDS(ALLENTRY)' ;                       */
 /*          %IF %CU = 'KVAMKNR' THEN                                  */
 /*            CALL KVAMKNR ;                                          */
 /*    CALL ALLSESS ;                                                  */
 /*      NAMES EXCLUDE CU "BPS*" ;                                     */
 /*      NAMES EXCLUDE CU "SPA*" ;                                     */
 /*      SET ECHO OFF ;                                                */
 /*      CLEAR AT ;                                                    */
 /* There are no breakpoints set.                                      */
 /*      CLEAR MONITOR ;                                               */
 /* *** User preferences file commands end ***                         */
 /* EQA1872E An error occurred while opening file: S000TBE.DT.COMMANDS */
 /*          . The file may not exist, or is not accessible.           */

Note the "User preferences file commands end".
Why is DT trying to open "S000TBE.DT.COMMANDS" ?  I'm not referencing that 
(exact) file(name) (without a membername) in any command member. And the file 
DOES exist as you can see above.  I also copied S000TBE.DT.COMMANDS to 
S000TBE.S000TBE.DT.COMMANDS in case it had anything to do with a qualification 

BTW, does anyone know of a list/forum that may have more DT users than IBM-MAIN 

Best Regards
Thomas Berg
Thomas Berg   Specialist   zOS\RQM\IT Delivery   SWEDBANK AB (Publ)

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