On 22 April 2014 19:01, Mark Yuhas <mark.yu...@paccar.com> wrote: > Bear with me. I have an old program that copies a SVC Dump to regular data > set with a non-system DSN. It has been working for many years. I need to > make a few changes for the current configuration of z/OS 1.13. IPCS accepts > the system dump data set but rejects the one-off data set saying there is no > directory record. I added the dump record via the IPCS ADDDUMP command. > Now, IPCS accepts the dump but when I try to analyze it via IPCS commands, it > states that information is missing. > > I performed an ISPF compare of the data sets. According to that test, the > data sets are the same. I'm stumped. Is there something new about copying > dump data sets in 1.13?
Tony Harminc <t...@harminc.net> responded >Is your output RECFM=FBS,LRECL=4160? If it's (say) FB or has the wrong LRECL, IPCS will treat it as a trace or other non-dump dataset, and produce confusing messages. >Tony H. Thanks for the insight. I converted to FBS and all is well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN