We are prepping for an upgrade to z/OS 2.1. We have performed the required changes to remove the use of BPX.DEFAULT.USER. This has caused multiple loggings from our CICS regions against the region LOGONID. I have been told our ACF2 configuration is incorrect, but have not received information on what is correct. This is our environment (values are examples): Region LOGONID = aaaaaaa; SIT DFLTUSER = bbbbb. ACF2 DEFAULT TERMINAL = aaaaaaa; ACF2 DEFAULT NONTERMINAL = bbbbb. When we add RESTRICTIONS GROUP(OMVSDFTG) to the lid aaaaaa, then transactions that used to run as bbbbb switch to aaaaaaa. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Or Does someone have a better description than what is in the ACF2 manuals on the proper setting of these 2 ACF2 IDs and how they should correlate with the region?
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