I've been doing SCRT reporting for about 5 years now. AFAIK there's no Microsoft Windows based component to SCRT. And looking at the very latest UG, I don't see any mention of it either. The tool itself is delivered as a self-extracting zip, which produces a .bin file that you upload to the mainframe where it's executed. But the tool itself is all run on z/OS. Certainly, I download the produced CSV to my workstation, but there's no software delivered with SCRT that uses that output in Windows. At least that I know about.
What have I missed? Scott Chapman On Mon, 12 May 2014 10:20:46 +0800, Timothy Sipples <sipp...@sg.ibm.com> wrote: >Roger Lowe asks: >>Surely, the functionality of MWRT could have been added to SCRT so >>that us customers could keep running it on z/OS? > >IBM did that, as I understand it -- and I thought I explained that, but >I'll try again. SCRT also has a Microsoft Windows-based tool component. >MWRT is a *replacement* for that Windows-based SCRT component. If you're >using MWRT, you don't have to also use SCRT (the Windows tool). This is >path augmentation, not path duplication. For those of you who are not going >to use MWRT, it's business as usual (SCRT). > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN