Dear Folks,

I'm wondering that does the "KY8 CPU Time Avg" mean the DB2 time spent by the 
transactions in average in 15 mins interval?

I got a CICS PA report and found for transactions on a certain AOR in 15 mins 
interval the 
User CPU Time Avg = 3.4 ms
QR CPU Time Avg  = 0.2 ms
KY8 CPU Time Avg =  3.1 ms

So back to my first question,
1. I want to know does the "KY8 CPU Time Avg" have something with DB2 time?
2. What does QR CPU Time Avg stand for?

Secondly, I want to know what does the relationship between "User CPU Time Avg" 
and "DB2 Class 2 CPU time"?

I want to know how much CPU time a transaction spent on DB2 from a CICS PA 

Is there anybody who could walk me through this query? Thank you so much!

Thanks & regards 

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