SYS1.PARMLIB, The Heart of z/OS:
Updates in z/OS 1.13 and 2.1

One of the cornerstones of z/OS is upward compatibility. And the number one priority when you migrate to a new release is typically to ensure that everything that worked with the old release still works with the new release. As a result, the default mode of operation is that enhancements or new functions tend to be shipped by IBM in a disabled state. Therefore, to maximize the return on your investment in z/OS, you generally need to take some overt action.

The objective of this class is to help you get the full value out of your z/OS system by making you aware of all the Parmlib changes that were delivered in z/OS 1.13 and z/OS 2.1. For each parameter, this class describes the reason for the change, the associated function or capability, what environments it is appropriate for, and recommended values.

For those of you who have seen our articles on Parmlib enhancements in our Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter, we'd like you to know that the class will get into much more detail about each parameter and keyword. We will ask you to bring your own Parmlib members and we'll help you understand and review the settings in your installation.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

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Cost: $475

If you are currently running z/OS 1.12, this class will help you prepare for your next upgrade. If you are already running z/OS 1.13, you can use this class as a self-assessment, to ensure that you are actually exploiting all the capabilities that are available to you. And if you have already migrated to z/OS 2.1, or are working on a business case to justify the migration, this class will help you identify all the functions that are applicable to your environment, including those that were shipped in z/OS 1.13 that you might have overlooked.

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