Good Day, I am trying to edit the output from a AUDIT DATASETCONTROLS(MIGRATION) NOFIX
Here is an example of the output : /* ERR 36 BACKUP VERSION ENTRY HSM.BACK.T253700.TSO.FOCUS.H9347 CONTAINS 00000, SHOULD CONTAIN 020 /* FIXCDS B TSO.FOCUS.FOCEXEC.DATA VERIFY(X'00000088' X'00000000') PATCH(X'00000088' X'00000014') The dsn output by HSM is PS LRECL=121 BLKSIZE=27951. And there are over 4.500 entries My problem is trying to execute the FIXCDS command. I have to code the HSEND FIXCDS B TSO....... so as to correct the problem Is there an easier way of editing the dsn besides doing this : HSEND FIXCDS B TSO.FOCUS.FOCEXEC.DATA VERIFY(X'00000088' X'00000000') PATCH(X'00000088' X'00000014') Or, would it be safe to issue command HSEND AUDIT DATASETCONTROLS(BACKUP)? Your comments would be greatly appreciated ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN