On Tue, 23 Sep 2014 16:27:06 -0500, Bill Godfrey wrote:
>>o Is there a utility that will append "\n" only if the file doesn't already 
>>contain one?
>if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then
> endbyte=`tail -c1 $1 | od -tc -An | awk '{ print $1 }'`
> if [ "${endbyte}" != '\n' ] ; then
>  echo >> $1
> fi
Ah!  I failed to think of the "tail -c1".  I see you've struggled with
this and won.

o It modifies its input file.  But that's what I asked for.

o It converts an empty file to a file of one empty line.  That's
  literally what I asked for; I should have said, "... append "\n"
  only if the file has an incomplete last line."

A simplification, fixing my unintended second requirement:

if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then
 case "$(tail -c1 "$1")" in
    '' | '
' );;
    *) echo >>"$1";;  esac

Thanks.  Now IBM-MAIN can return to its proper function of discussing
what's the fastest way to clear a register.

Thanks again,

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