Used SHOWMVS for many years, usually in batch, not authorized. One of the things I liked about it was the ability to quickly check the integrity of a customer's APF, LINK and LPA lists for missing and incorrectly cataloged libraries.
Now, with V721, all I see in the output in these sections are question marks. Looked at the code and saw that that was intentional, with a subroutine to run asynchronously to fill that information in later. This for "impatient" users according to the comments in the code. Well I ran it in batch, TSO and ISPF, authorized and not with no difference. Am I missing something here or is this once indispensable tool headed for the twilight zone? Anyone know what's going on here or do I have to dig out my old pre-showmvs tools? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN