>>That was me.
>>I remember the AWAITING(mmmm) from a similar action 1 year ago.
>>Since E2 was the member you gave the commands, this member did the
>>formatting and you should have been able to see that JES2 doing an
>>abnormally large amount of I/O on the volume. The MAS was waiting
>>for E2 to finish the formatting.

I didn't look at the I/O rate; just was mislead by the AWAITING(E2) thinking 
that there is something to be done before JES2 starts formatting. The message 
could be better.

>I hope that while this formatting was going on that the systems were
>not hung up and that they were running normally using the original
>extents while the E2 system was formatting the new extent (but not
>yet using it). Once the format finished the extra space could then
>have been added to the available space on that volume and this
>information would then be passed to the other member(s).

I didn't specificlly look for, but have not seen or heard of any problems while 
the space was being formatted. In summary, the expansion ran smooth.

Peter Hunkeler

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