On 2/20/2015 11:44 AM, Shmuel Metz , Seymour J. wrote:
In <54e743c9.9010...@rochester.rr.com>, on 02/20/2015
at 09:25 AM, Thomas Conley <pinnc...@rochester.rr.com> said:
After reading this technote, all I can say is "Just....wow".
Instead of CA creating an option or a command to refresh the
security profiles (that would involve CODING, can't do that), we
have to hack a zap into an SMP/E maintained module without a
usermod, then remember to rehack it every time we apply
maintenance. No wonder people complain about how difficult it is
to maintain mainframe software.
How does a poor maintenance policy at one vendor translate into a
blanket condemnation of mainframe software?
This is just one example of many. And considering how widespread CA-7
is in the marketplace, a particularly egregious one, IMNSHO. I've also
worked for and with software vendors to reduce/eliminate downtime
issues, so this one hits close to home for me.
Tom Conley
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