Hi to all, I want to ask something on IBM-MAIN before I lodge a formal request for DFSORT gurus attention:
It is part of my work to produce many audit reports using DFSORT, ICETOOL, custom REXX, COBOL, Assembler programs. Normally, while supported, we don't modify columns in DFSORT/ICETOOL, something like this: INCLUDE COND=(5,4,CH,EQ,C'0200',AND,118,10,CH,GE,C'2015-01-01') OUTREC FIELDS=(1,9,10:10,3,CHANGE=(3,C'ABC',C'CBA'), ... etc ... or INREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=(96,1,CH,EQ,C'S'),OVERLAY=(97:C'ABCDEFGH')), But, I have a need to translate the cryptic columns into something readable. [1] Question: Is there any need to control the modifying of input/output by DFSORT/ICETOOL with RACF? Something like that STGADMIN.?? profiles in FACILITY class to control usage of ADMINISTRATOR keyword in DFDSS? I don't think those auditors will like to see (and not survive) those ability to modify records. Of course I could rerun my jobs from original SMF just to prove these records are not modified anywhere. Thanks in advance! Groete / Greetings Elardus Engelbrecht [1] - My auditors already accept that I use a REXX program to translate something like 'INVPSWD ' by 'Not a valid password' or 'FPROTALL' by 'Failed by PROTECTALL'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN