Thanks all for your suggestions. In the hope of helping a future Googler, here 
is "How to Use GTTERM from an AMODE 31 Program." I don't claim this method is 
novel or optimal, just that it works.

BTW, I am using the GTTERM now primarily for the other information it returns 
like the IP address. I get the terminal name from ACEETRID.

I built a "model" GTTERM. This is assembled like a constant, not in the line of 
executable code.

         GTTERM PRMSZE=(R2),       TERMSIZE,   mandatory               +
               TERMID=(R4)         TERMWORK
         BSM   0,R11               Return in 31-bit mode

The module already had a GETMAIN for a save area and other (small) reentrant 
storage. I changed the GETMAIN to LOC=BELOW and added the following to the 
reentrant storage:

         DS    0H                  Align
GTTERMarea DS  XL(GTTERMmdl_len)   GTTERM moved here
TERMSIZE DS    H                   GTTERM terminal size
TERMWORK DS    CL39                GTTERM return area

In the executable code, I move the "model" GTTERM into the GETMAIN area and 
BASSM to it

             MVC   GTTERMarea,GTTERMmdl
             MVC   TERMWORK(6),=C'CODEPG'
             LA    R2,TERMSIZE
             LA    R4,TERMWORK
             LA    R15,GTTERMarea 
             BASSM R11,R15

I have not done extensive testing but this does all seem to work.


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