Hi Folks,
I agree with Mike Schwab. I myself search CBTDOC.PDS with the PDS
command, which is the equivalent of doing a FIND on a string in CBT File
001. So browse CBT File 001 and look for what you think you want. It
MAY be a bit more accurate than just guessing. The CBTDOC.PDS dataset
is obtained by breaking up File 001 into a pds, using the CBTUPD program
from CBT File 006. So doing a "PDS command" string search on the pds,
using it's FInd subcommand, is the equivalent of doing a plain string
FIND on the entire File 001. CBT FILE 001, while not being perfect, has
a lot more detail than the one-liners on the CBT page of www.cbttape.org.
I certainly hope this will help.
All the best of everything to all of you.
Sincerely, Sam
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