I've heard that L1 visas are a way around H1B visa limits.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dana Mitchell [mailto:mitchd...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: Forbes: IT Professionals Don't Have What The Tech Industry Wants

On Thu, 2 Jul 2015 14:16:44 +0800, Timothy Sipples <sipp...@sg.ibm.com> wrote:

>The absolute, sure fire way to determine whether there's a specific 
>"shortage" is to look at the price of the product or service in alleged 
>short supply relative to general inflation.
>To net it out, we don't see evidence in these data that there's an IT 
>labor shortage in the United States. Or, if there is a "shortage," it 
>isn't getting materially worse.

Which makes IBM's response to Senator Charles Grassley even more preposterous:

"The high skilled visa programs provide a limited but necessary means for IBM 
to meet the near to medium term needs of its U.S clients and our own business.  
The technology industry's shift to new, higher value growth areas such as 
cloud, analytics, mobile, security and social technologies is placing a greater 
premium on a new set of skills.  These changes are exacerbating the skills 
shortage that we discussed with you during your 2013 visit to IBM's Dubuque 
"We bring goreign workers to the U.S. because those workers have specific 
profiles and expertise that we cannot source locally in a timely way to fulfill 
client contract requirements."


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