Hi All 

I completely agree with Phil - the issue is not whether the Mainframe is open 
to the Internet - it’s an issue of complacency vs. correct configuration. 
Too many C*O types are so focused on the availability aspect of CIA that they 
downplay the risks to the other aspects of that triad - particularly on Z.
Assuming z/OS is safe - does not make it so - and ignoring the various 
vulnerabilities (misconfiguration, under or mis-staffing, lack of controls, 
lack of SLCM/DLCM , lack of anything else that's required)  - does not make 
them go away. 
This is not true in every case, but I too have seen TSO users with minimal 
capabilities "owning the system" - in under two hours.  
If you have security assessments regularly - you'll always find something. Your 
goal should be to make your external auditor work really hard to find what 
you've forgotten :-) 


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Phil
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: Mainframes open to internet attacks?

Hi All, 

I’m actually the person interviewed in this (frankly overblown) article. 
Thankfully I had a chance to talk again about this project here: 

Radoslaw, I’m so glad you were able to attend one of my talks (was it the 
Skytalks or BSidesLV?). However, I think you misunderstood the point I was 
trying to make. I’ve constantly touted how stupid the information security 
industry has been in thinking mainframes were old and obsolete. See this 
article about one of my first talks from two years ago: 
 my story hasn’t really changed since. My toolset has, and participation is 
slowly increasing, but not fast enough. In fact, my co-speaker and I, at the 
most recent DEFCON, were making fun of the audience for not knowing what CICS 
was despite how important it likely was to their daily lives. 

On the topic on whether they are secure or not, thats up to the implementation. 
I know of someone who claims ‘give me an account and I can own your mainframe’. 
He doesn’t do it through magical 0-days, he’s using misconfigurations and easy 
to access tools (for example, in one instance he found a surrogate profile for 
an account with system special open to everyone because it was an ‘emergency 
id’). But this is true of any platform. zLinux is just as secure as z/OS, if 
both are configured correctly. 

Finally, on to the ‘art project’ as I like to call it. Back, long ago, when I 
was on x.25 networks looking for things to play with I might encounter a screen 
like these. I just find them amazing and beautiful (and a little nostalgic to 
be honest). Having them be on the internet doesn’t really matter, if they are 
configured correctly. My assumption is that they are on the internet on purpose 
and are no different than a staff landing page (for example: 
https://fs.aircanada.ca/idp/SSO.saml2 <https://fs.aircanada.ca/idp/SSO.saml2>, 
i found this through literally 1 second on google). 

If you want to see other interesting ’things' on the internet check out SHODANs 
twitter feed for devices like ‘Lake Pumping Stations’ and ‘Skilift in France’: 
https://twitter.com/shodanhq <https://twitter.com/shodanhq>

I realize this is likely way off-topic for this discussion list but feel free 
to email me if you have questions or concerns (or are interested in how I did 


> On Aug 27, 2015, at 9:00 PM, IBM-MAIN automatic digest system 
> <lists...@listserv.ua.edu> wrote:
> Date:    Thu, 27 Aug 2015 17:38:05 +0200
> From:    "R.S." <r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl 
> <mailto:r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl>>
> Subject: Re: Mainframes open to internet attacks?
> W dniu 2015-08-19 o 00:26, Robert Harrison pisze:
>>> From technologyreview.com <http://technologyreview.com/>:
>> http://www.technologyreview.com/news/540011/mainframe-computers-that-
>> handle-our-most-sensitive-data-are-open-to-internet-attacks/ 
>> <http://www.technologyreview.com/news/540011/mainframe-computers-that
>> -handle-our-most-sensitive-data-are-open-to-internet-attacks/>
>> Really?
> What I understod from the lecture:
> a) mainframes are old, obsolete, but unfotunately sometimes still in 
> use
> - which is a sin.
> b) mainframes are insecure
> c) some mainframe are directly accessible from Internet, by mistake of 
> course.
> What I mean:
> a) & b) - IMHO obvious ;-)
> c) IMHO it is bad idea to make any system directly accessible from 
> Internet. Mainframe, any kind of Unix, Linux, Windows...
> Some exceptions do apply but it's still platform-irrelevant. What is 
> relevant it's protocol. TN3270 over TLS/SSL is better than any kind of 
> telnet, etc.
> I'm aware of mainframe z/OS installation which offer free TSO account 
> to anyone.
> BTW: There are plenty other "open" stuff on the Net, for example 
> internet cameras. I mean CCTV installed in shops, lifts, etc. I saw 
> webpage which collected such cameras, i.e. I saw shoe shop in my city. 
> ;-)
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
> --
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