There are a couple of options,

If the JCL has coded on the SYSOUT FREE=CLOSE,SPIN=UNALLOC then you can purge
just that portion of the job without impacting anything else.

You can use SDSF (if you have that) and change the one DD statement that has the
huge spool output to a different class (There are JES2 $TO commands also) and
then route the output from the rest of the job to the destinations they need to
go.  Once all the good parts have been handled, you can then purge the offending
piece of output

You can use the JES2 XMIT/RECEIVE process to offload the whole job or any part
to a tape/dasd dataset
 You can use SDSF (if you have it) to print (XDC commands) to a dataset to save
the good parts and then purge the offending section.

There may be some other options I am missing.  IMO - the FREE=CLOSE,SPIN=UNALLOC
is a good standard for SYSOUT datasets.

So it will depend on how much effort that is needed on doing this.  To save all
of the job with the exception of this one SYSOUT will require a little effort.

Do you use SDSF?  Or have you researched the $TO commands?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Hilary Hurwitz
> Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2015 6:13 AM
> Subject: Delete part of spool for active job
> If a job is running and putting out many lines of spool - maybe there was an
> active programmer that printed all details of every customer in a multimillion
line file
> - is there a way of deleting the lines that have been written to the spool ?
> Or do I have to purge the job ?
> Hilary Hurwitz

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