I didn't say it cannot. ;-)

BTW: it's tricky! For z/OS v1.x the ZFS cluster has to be SMS-managed to be EA. Last but not least, you cannot simply ALTER existing (non-EF) ZFS to be EA.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 2016-03-22 o 15:56, Jesse 1 Robinson pisze:
The 4 GB VSAM limit can be overcome with extended addressability. Here is the 
definition I used for V2R1 ServerPac, a ZFS that occupied an entire Mod 27. The 
key is data class, which is set in SMS for EA.

   *CYLINDERS(28000,100)* )

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-302-7535 Office

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of R.S.
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 5:24 AM
Subject: Re: (External):Unix System Services question

W dniu 2016-03-21 o 22:59, Jesse 1 Robinson pisze:
What I did.

1. Get into ishell from Opt 6
2. Type /usr/local/
3. In my case, I apparently have nothing mounted there, so I see only
         Type  Perm  Changed-PST8PDT   ------Size  Filename
      _ Dir       755  2013-05-24 22:56        8192  .
      _ Dir       755  2014-08-01 14:42        8192  ..
4. Enter u (for File System Attributes) next to one of them.
5. In my case, since I have no other file system defined there, I get the 
system-specific root OMVS.sysres.ROOT.

If it's root, then you've been using it inadvertently, and changing the size 
will be a BFD. If you see a subordinate file system there, then that's the one 
you have to increase. I'm not adept at that this part, but you would create a 
new bigger one, copy over all contents from the old, unmount the old one, and 
mount the new one at the same point. Good luck.

Another method would be "df" command.
  From unix prompt issue                    "df /your/directory"
or          "cd /your/directory"
and then     "df . "

You'll get filesystem name = ZFS or HFS dataset name.
Then look at dataset parameters. There are many factors which can limit
- number of extents
- free space on the volume
- multi-volume
- candidate volumes availability
- 4GB limit for VSAM

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