G'Day I have a question about FLASHCOPY specifically COPY FULL command.
Below are 2 examples that we use. One has the FULL command and the other does not. Omitting the parm FULL, would it be because it is a default? I looked at SC26-4388-05 but I didn't find what I was looking for. COPY FULL INDYNAM(ZWA601) OUTDYNAM(FBAD00) ALLE ALLD(*) - FASTREPLICATION(REQUIRED) FCINCREMENTAL DUMPCONDITIONING ADMIN PURGE COPY INDYNAM(JES901) OUTDYNAM(QF6670) CANCELERROR PURGE ALLEXCP ALLDATA(*) OPT(4) ADMIN FCNOCOPY - DUMPCOND FR(REQ) DEBUG(FRMSG(DETAILED)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN