How should I call a 31-bit routine from a 64-bit routine? Obviously the 64-bit routine will have had to allocate all its storage below the bar. But what about linkage? In assembler, it's pretty well documented. What about higher level languages? To be specific, I have a chunk of C code that needs to call a 31-bit interface. It's easy to compile it for 31-bit or 64-bit, but the latter doesn't link. (No real surprise there; just disappointment.)

I've looked over what docs I can find and don't see any way to cast the call or explicitly tell the compiler "we're changing AMODE for this one". Now am thinking it's either something really easy but not widely known or it's just not possible. Which is it? Thanks.

For so long, z and selected other platforms are harmoniously bi-modal. Never worried about it, but now found something that isn't playing nice.

Okay, so "C" might not fit the HL in HLL as much as others, but it's still LE.

-- R; <><

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