>I have captured the CONSNAME, CONSID and CART when the modify is done and I >use the CONSNAME >and CART to issue the WTO. >I have not coded MCSFLAG,ROUTCDE or DESC.
I 've coded CONSID=CIBXCNID,CART=CIBXCART and DESC=(5,7) on my WTOs. Works fine. I'm not sure DESC=5 is really needed, as I just tried with DESC=7 and still got the response in SDSF ULOG. DESC=5 is marking the WTO as "immediate command response". MPF will not suppress messages with DESC=5. Not sure if this is the only purpose of DESC=5. Do you happen to have SDSF running in two ISPF sessions? Did you go into ULOG on both? If so, messages will only show up on the session where you entered ULOG first. -- Peter Hunkeler ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN