I've never previously heard of a "loop and a half", so did some digging.

Eric S Roberts, you picked an oft-referenced person, Frank :-)

Here's an example of the discussion (not from Roberts, but referencing him):

"The problem with using goto isn't the keyword itself-rather, it's the use of 
goto in inappropriate places. The goto statement can be a useful tool in 
structuring program flow and can be used to write more expressive code than 
that resulting from other branching and iteration mechanisms. One such example 
isthe "loop-and-a-half" problem, as coined by Dijkstra. Here is the traditional 
flow of the loop-and-a-half problem in pseudocode: -

    read in a value
    if value == sentinel then exit
    process the value
end loop

The exit from the loop is accomplished only by the execution of the exit 
statement in the middle of the loop. This loop/exit/end loop cycle, however, 
can be quite disturbing to some people who, acting on the notion that all uses 
of goto are evil, would write this code as follows: -

read in a value
while value != sentinel
    process the value
    read in a value
end while

Unfortunately, as Eric S. Roberts of Stanford University points out, this 
second approach has two major drawbacks. First, it requires the duplication of 
the statement(s) required to read in a value. Any time you duplicate code, this 
results in an obvious maintenance problem in that any change to one statement 
must be made to the other. The second problem is more subtle and probably more 
damning. The key to writing solid code that's easy to understand, and therefore 
maintain, is to write code that reads in a natural manner. In any noncode 
description of what this code is attempting to do, one would describe the 
solution as follows: First, I need to read in a value. If that value is a 
sentinel, I stop. If not, I process that value and continue to the next value. 
Therefore, it's the code omitting the exit statement that's actually 
counterintuitive because that approach reverses the natural way of thinking 
about the problem. Now, let's look at some situations in which a goto statement 
can result in the best way to structure control flow."

Breezing over the "evil" (straw man technique, that was) we get to two major 
(alleged  by Roberts) drawbacks: "it requires the duplication of the 
statement(s) required to read in a value". No, it doesn't. Unless you are only 
interested in "snippets" rather than programs/systems.

Secondly, and that author was saving the best, more damning, for second, "The 
key to writing solid code that's easy to understand, and therefore maintain, is 
to write code that reads in a natural manner." Oh. Ah, they develop:

"In any noncode description of what this code is attempting to do, one would 
describe the solution as follows: First, I need to read in a value. If that 
value is a sentinel, I stop. If not, I process that value and continue to the 
next value."

And continues "Therefore, it's the code omitting the exit statement that's 
actually counterintuitive because that approach reverses the natural way of 
thinking about the problem."

Mmmm... snippets.

I'm a Mail Opening Operative. I arrive at my desk, there's a pile of mail, I 
open a letter, bin the envelope (it is against policy, but I save any 
nice-looking stamps for my cousin, who I think should collect stamps), see who 
it is addressed to (or if it is "advertising", which Mr Johnson deals with - 
I'm not allowed to throw any actual mail away) and then put it in the correct 
pigeon-hole. Then I pick up the next letter, and repeat the process. When there 
is no more mail, I count each bundle, put elastic bands around each bundle,  
and pass them to the delivery boy (if he's bothered to turn up on time, he's 
always with the girls in the punch room). I fill out a sheet of statistics, 
stamp it (Mr Johnson is terribly upset if I forget that). Lately, it was my own 
idea, and Mr Johnson was *very* pleased at my initiative, I have some 
pre-written pieces of paper to make it extremely clear who each packet is for. 
I'm sure *that boy* doesn't even appreciate it. Then it is on to internal mail, 
until the second post arrives in the early afternoon...

Now, one day, I turn up - *AND THERE ARE NO LETTERS WAITING*. I'm all of a 
flummox, and dial Mr Johnson immediately. He never likes being disturbed this 
early, but this was really *IMPORTANT*.

<shivers briefly and artistically> That was character-acting, that was. Or 
character writing.

Now, which of the above two "snippets" is reflective of Mail Opening?  The one 
where you actually start the work of the loop, and exit the loop in a 
completely normal way, or the one where you do a bit of "priming", and realise 
there is nothing to process, so Mr Johnson needs to know?


I found this (different author, also refers to Roberts), as well, I suppose a 
variant of a loop-and-a-half to process "an array, which shows how it would be 
written with a GOTO:

    i = low_value
    if i > high_value
        goto endloop
    i = i + increment
    goto loop

Really? Let's think. I put something in "i", and then enter the loop and 
immediately... test "i"? Didn't I just put it there?

    i = low_value
    i = i + increment
    if i <= high_value
        goto loop

Is that so difficult? Now, it may be the case that when entering the loop, 
high_value isn't really so high, and happens to be smaller than low_value (in 
which case they are poor names):

    if low_value > high_value
        goto stuff_the_loop
    i = low_value
    i = i + increment
    if i <= high_value
        goto loop

That's the "patch as you go along" approach to the use of GOTO ("I only use it 
when it makes the code easier" usually accompanies it).

    if low_value <= high_value
        execute procedure loop_it
        do something else for the unexpected

procedure loop_it
    i = low_value
    i = i + increment
    if i <= high_value
        goto loop
end procedure

(In this language, of course, procedures can only be entered by "execute", 
there is no "fall through").

Now, note that "i" is busted, and if "i" is valid outside the procedure (like 
in COBOL) you may not want it exactly like that.

procedure loop_it
    i = low_value
    if i < high_value
        i = i + increment
        goto loop
end procedure

I'm not suggesting the use of GO TOs, I'm just sayin' that when we did use 
them, they didn't have to be used how the critics of GO TOs thought (imagined, 
fantasised) we used them, because they, apparently, only taught and dealt with 
snippets. Snippets.

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