> My understanding is that one a file was compressed with z/EDC is it is
> like a .zip file and reading it unzips it.

I think it is more correct to say that the data is in DEFLATE format, which is 
one format "zip"-type programs can uncompress.

> If I send the file directly using FTP, I guess my FTP will decompress the
> file before sending it, and the target customer will compress it again,
> wasting both CPU and bandwidth.

With the current support for the zEDCs, it is the data management code of z/OS 
that does the compression and decompression. Application will neither see nor 
will the be aware that the data is compressed.

FTP would need to learn how to do low level access to disk to be able to read 
the compressed blocks (which BTW are 56k blocks). And it would need to learn to 
negotiate with the other side if sending such blocks is ok.

Peter Hunkeler

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