W dniu 2016-10-25 o 19:15, Jesse 1 Robinson pisze:

Answer inline
It's interesting to see varying opinions and interpretations. To reiterate: my 
question is not 'how to accomplish something' but merely how it actually works. 

-- No TIME= of any kind coded on JOB or EXEC card
Then jobcard valu is used

-- JES2 time for a particular JOBCLASS is 3
Then it's 3 minutes per each step

-- Five steps in the job
Every step has 3 minutes (my fault in previous post)

-- No IEFUTL action
So the above is as I described. IEFUTL coudl change it.

-- No ISV product or RYO code
As above.

As I understand it, each step can use up to a maximum of 3. The whole job 
cannot use more than 15, the simple sum of all the steps. This is not an 
implicit limit, just the (coincidental) effect of 5*3 minutes of accumulated 
step time. Exceeding 3 on any step will cause S322; otherwise no abend.

Now, to accomplish my actual goal of abending runaway hard-loop jobs, we could 
add TIME= to the JOB card, which will effectively limit the step sum regardless 
of what any individual step(s) have coded. In other words, S322 for exceeding 
the JOB card value regardless of TIME= on any or all steps. Is this right?
Yes, but I would suggest coding TIME on EXEC card. You have 5 steps. I think only one of them is "suspected", isn't it?
So, remaining 4 steps do not need special control.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Lizette Koehler
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 9:28 AM
Subject: (External):Re: TIME= on JOB card vs. EXEC card

The JOBCLASS TIME will rule all TIME= for that class.  If you do not exceed the 
JOBCLASS TIME= limit then either the JOBCARD or STEP will then enforce the 

If the JOBCLASS TIME=30 is coded (30 mins) then it will not matter to code
TIME=60 on the JOBCARD or the STEP.  The 30Mins for the JOBCLASS will enforce 
the time limit.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
On Behalf Of Burrell, Todd
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 4:53 AM
Subject: Re: TIME= on JOB card vs. EXEC card

I thought that the jobclass time limit overrides everything - so for
this example wouldn't the time be 60?

Examples (for one-step job):
jobclass ; JOBcard ; EXEC ; effective
60          ; none      ; 90     ; 90     - increased

I thought that the jobclass was the maximum regardless of what you set
on the exec or job card?

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
On Behalf Of R.S.
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 5:48 AM
Subject: Re: TIME= on JOB card vs. EXEC card

W dniu 2016-10-25 o 04:55, Jesse 1 Robinson pisze:
OK, consider this case. All defaults, no TIME= coded anywhere. JES2
have TIME=3. Five steps. How long will the job run?
Answer: it depends.
First: we talk about CPU time, not "wall clock" time.
CORRECTION: the below is valid for JOB TIME=3
Second: we know there is a limit 3 minutes for whole job. Maybe each
step consume 2 seconds, then 2x5steps = 10s CPU.
Assumed first step consumed 30s the limit for the rest of the job is (2,30).
Assumed second step consumed 10s, the limit for the remaining steps is
(2,20), etc.

Geeneral rules:
TIME=value coded in JOB can only DECREASE default value.
TIME=NOLIMIT or TIME=1440 in JOB card INCREASE the default to infinity
(no time limit)

TIME coded in EXEC can INCREASE or DECREASE default value.
TIME=NOLIMIT or TIME=1440 in EXEC card INCREASE the default to
infinity (no time limit)

When coded both JOB and EXEC, the most restrictive value is in effect.

Examples (for one-step job):
jobclass ; JOBcard ; EXEC ; effective
60          ; none      ; none ; 60
60          ; none      ; 10     ; 10
60          ; 70          ; none ; 60     - job value ignored
60          ; 20          ; none ; 20     - job value decreased default
60          ; 20          ; 10     ; 10     - most restrictive from
(job, exec)
60          ; 20          ; 90     ; 20     - most restrictive from
(job, exec)
60          ; none      ; 90     ; 90     - increased
60          ; 50          ; 1440 ; 50     - most restrictive from (job,
60          ; 1440     ; none  ; NOLIMIT
60          ; none     ; 1440  ; NOLIMIT

Rule of thumb: KISS!
Keep It Simple!

Don't code TIME in both JOB and EXEC
Be generous when setting default values. In case of TIME exhaustion
abend the most common scenario is to repeat the job with (hopefully!) bigger 
time limit.
So, setting time default small is a waste of time! ;-)


Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland
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