OK, I feel stupid. Not an unfamiliar feeling, especially when SMP/E is 
involved. But I think I mostly figured this out, and am looking for 

I have a package that installs fine, but recently someone said "You should 
support using RFPREFIX in your provided JCL". This was prompted by a note in 
our Program Directory:
Note: SMP/E requires the high-level qualifier in the RFDSNPFX field to be 
single-level: for example, BANANA.PEEL will cause GIM20311E errors.

And that note, of course, was based on our having found that to be true.

The only quasi-decent description of RFPREFIX I could find is in:

Reading that doc and experimentation suggests that RFPREFIX pretty well does 
that it sounds like: gets prefixed to the RFDSNPFX value. So if the SMPMCS 

Then if RFPREFIX(BANANA) were added to the RECEIVE command in the provided JCL, 
it would look for
instead of VSH.VVSH710.F1 and VSH.VVSH710.F2

So my questions are:

1)     Is this correct? Have I missed any subtleties that come to mind?

2)     Is there a cleaner way to specify this than just adding 
RFPREFIX(whatever) when needed? I had hoped to be able to provide, say, 
RFPREFIX(&RFPREFIX) and then use a set symbol, but I know that won't work. 
There are already instructions in the provided JCL that say to make some global 
changes, so I'm thinking that I should include it with something clearly 
invalid, maybe: RFPREFIX(!prefix!) and add it to the list of things to change, 
with a note that if your data sets really are just VSH.whatever, to remove it 
Just trying to make this as easy/painless as possible for people.

Thanks in advance for any insights!

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