The problem with attempting to use an LE Handler from a COBOL program, as was 
covered in the previous topic, is that LE knows that COBOL doesn't "respect" 
the 00A, so LE just spends some time ignoring it, rather than presenting it to 
a registered handler.

So for inter-language communication to C/C++ and PL/I, there is a heavy 
performance hit if there is a lot of "overflow" in the COBOL program(s), which 
is the time taken by LE to "ignore" it, because of COBOL.

pp19-20, for instance.

The issue Peter is facing is that a certain amount of confusion ensues when a 
particular piece of software notices the 00A coming from a COBOL program, 
because the overflow bit has become set on and has somehow avoided means to 
turn it off before a C/C++ program returns to COBOL.

I think I've got that right... :-)

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