So I'm slowly releasing some of the REXX execs I wrote over the past 25+
years to all of you (see <>)
and the next in line is Formatted Browse itself, at the moment only
RAP00110, the PL/I %include book parser is available, with three edit
macros to show what it can do, EINC2FOC, ESORT and ESYMSORT.

However Formatted Browse (and its sibling, Formatted Edit) are slightly
more complex animals, in that they use ISPF panels for their input, and
those panels, written, more or less on-the-fly, way back in the
mid-1990'ies, and only updated in 2009 to put them under the provisions of
the GPL V3, are, how shall I express myself politely, rather colourful and
don't really follow the standard conventions.

So, can anyone give me any suggestions for creating a panel with where the
user can specify up to eight input three-qualifier (Project/group/Type)
datasets (with obviously also space for datasets not in that format), and
for each of them up to eight additional strings, in casu one or two
10-character keys, one or two four-character positions, one or two
key-types, an "And/or" indicator and a "Use" field. I know I can make it a
big scrollable panel, but I'd prefer something a bit more compact. In
addition, is there an easy way of validating everything  without repeating
the same code ad nauseam (other than using PANEL REXX)?


PS: PM me if you want a copy of the current panel, it will come in a ZIP
file (RAP00100.ZIP).
Robert AH Prins
Some programming  @ <>

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