On 5/15/2017 7:25 PM, Charles Mills wrote:
This is the world's dumbest question if you're a sysprog but I'm a developer
with nearly zero sysprog experience.
Whenever in the past that I have taken a quick look at SET PROG=(xx,yy) I
assumed that PROGxx + PROGyy in the parmlib concatenation *totally replaced*
the contents of whatever PROGaa and PROGbb had been specified in IEASYSxx at
But as I read the documentation now I get the impression instead that SET
PROG=(xx,yy) causes PROGxx and PROGyy to be processed essentially as scripts
each line of which incrementally modifies whatever is already in effect. In
other words, if I entered SET PROG=ZZ and PROGZZ was devoid of statements
other than comments then the system would be left unchanged, regardless of
what had been in PROGaa and PROGbb at IPL. If PROGZZ contained one APF ADD
statement, then that DSN would get added to the APF list, much as if I had
entered SETPROG APF,ADD,DSN=...; and every other system parameter would be
left unchanged.
Is my latter impression more correct?
There are no dumb questions, only dumb developers. ;-) SET PROG is
additive, and yes, if you only have one line that is an APF ADD DSN,
then it will add only that dataset. If you add and delete lines from
your PROG00 member (assuming you start your system with that) which
contains only APF ADD statements, then the ADDs will be added, but the
ADD statements you removed will still be in APFLIST. To remove any
datasets from APFLIST, you have to issue an explicit APF DEL with SET
Tom Conley
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