On Sun, 21 May 2017 16:26:56 +0000, Jesse 1 Robinson <jesse1.robin...@sce.com> 
>I was hoping that Tom W. or someone else from JES2 would chime in. 
>I don't recall having removed JES2 devices in a MAS, but I'll go out on a limb 
>with the observation that all-systems warm start is hardly ever required for 
>anything these days. Since the advent of dynamic modification in the 90s, 
>most changes can be implemented by command alone, or at worst by 
>command followed by single-system restart. That's not transparency, but 
>it's no worse than rolling IPL for any other purpose. 
>I suggest just removing the definitions and see what happens.  
As was I.  I though I tie off the thread for the curious.  As suspected by Skip 
and others, single-member warm-start removed these devices from each member in 
a rolling IPL, thus a successful sweeping of some cosmic debris.  I cannot say 
whether a hot-start would have sufficed.

For the record, we removed several dozen printers, e.g.:
PRT(nnn) CLASS=ccc,...

two REMOTE definitions, e.g.:
RMT(nnnn) DEVTYPE=tttttt,LUNAME=llllllll,...
R(nnn).PR(n) ...
R(nnn),RD(n) ...
R(nnn).PU(n) ...

and DESTIDs for the RMTs:
DESTID(llllllll) DEST=NnnnRnnnn

I know there is a $DEL DEStid, but since we had to IPL for the others, I just 
let these roll off with the lot.  Since this experiment, I intend to follow up 
1) RCF against the JES2 Init & Tuning Ref to clarify the minimum requirement 
for removal of such definitions
   (again, add and modify are spelled out, but I am wont to find such explicit 
description for delete)
2) RFE against JES2 to provide $DEL commands for other devices where 
possible/practical, such as PRTs and RMTs

Thanks and regards,
Art Gutowski
General Motors, LLC

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