It could be practical when writing high-performance code to modify a RENT 
module if it is not in key 0 (or use a PC to make the modification if in key 
0).  An example would be if an extensive chain of indirect pointers (or  the 
NAME/TOKEN service), is used to locate life of IPL memory allocated for an 
application.  If a location in the RENT module is zero, it locates the memory 
and stores the address (using CS) in the RENT module; if it's non-zero, it uses 
the value as the address.  If CS fails, check for zero again.  Since all 
executions would  store the same value, no other serialization is needed.  I'm 
not sure CS is needed if it's a fullword on a word boundary.

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization

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