On 06/13/2017 08:35 AM, scott Ford wrote:

I have a question about something called
'customer anchor table entry' . My colleague said IBM can provide this
entry to a ISV like use so we can place an address there for routines.  I
think it's like a vector address .

Has anyone heard of this ?

Yes I know about it and I kinda know the history of it. I'm not sure but I think I was the first one if not one of the first to apply for an entry when it was announced back in the mid-'90s when I was still working on ACS/WYLBUR and attended the "Vendor Disclosure Meeting"s in POK.

It solves the problem of the TCBUSER field in the TCBs, and the CVTUSER in the CVT. The problem being, who owns it and who can use it and NOT step on someone else.

It gives you an ANCHOR address where you can do a GETMAIN/STORAGE OBTAIN for CSA/SQA storage and store the address of that storage in your slot.

How you serialize it, use it, etc., is your problem as an ISV with multiple, or just one, product.

Steve Thompson

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