Peter Hunkeler wrote:

>Below text was posted on MXG-L recently. It made me curious, so I tired (sic) 
>to read the APARs mentioned. Unfortunately, IBM's support site does not have 
>them (for public access) anymore. Can someone shed some light on this? What 
>was the original problem? Why did it increase CPU time for many STCs *over 
>time*? What path length was increased.

I looked around in IBM 'My Support' pages, and find this snippet from z/OS 
Parallel Sysplex Configuration Overview (SG24-6485-00) 

I see this:

"Note: The WLM service that added dynamic application environments is a 
prerequisite for WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Version 6.0.1. See SPE 
(APAR OW54622, included in z/OS Version 1.5 and above), which is described at:";

I just get a 'Our apologies...' statement.

I see other references, but they are about WebSphere which requires that WLM 
APAR, like thise RedBook 'Problem Avoidance for WebSphere Application Server 
for z/OS.' (First Edition (March 2006))

It states:

"The dynamic WLM application environment is a function of WLM that became 
available when APAR OW54622 was made available for Workload Manager. It is 
incorporated into z/OS Version 1.5 and later. With the new WLM function, 
programs can dynamically create application environments on the fly."

Sorry, Nothing more information. Perhaps you need a formal request to IBM?

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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