HCD requires either GDDM or DCF to generate a graphical report - if you don't have GDDM then the report will be in DCF format which requires that you process the report file using DCF to get a usable chart.
That is unless you download, install, and then tailor the b2h utility from http://www.vm.ibm.com/download/packages/descript.cgi?B2H I had to make a few changes to the rexx exec for use under z/OS (these changes should be easy to find where they should be made): /* LBD: changed V to v b */ MVSalloc. ='DSORG(PS) LRECL(1024) RECFM(v b) TRACKS SPACE(5,5) RELEASE' MVSalloc.!trace ='DSORG(PS) LRECL(1024) RECFM(v b) CYLINDERS SPACE(5,5) RELEASE' when currsys = MVS then do wrtrec.0=1; wrtrec.1=wrtrec /* LBD: make sure length does not exceed 1024 as that is the limit of smtp */ /* LBD */ if length(wrtrec.1) > 1024 then do /* LBD */ wrtrec.0 = 2 /* LBD */ p1 = pos('&',wrtrec.1,1000) /* LBD */ wrtrec.2 = substr(wrtrec.1,p1) /* LBD */ wrtrec.1 = left(wrtrec.1,p1=1) /* LBD */ end /* LBD */ address TSO "EXECIO * DISKW" DDname.wrtfile "( STEM WRTREC." /* LBD */ xrc = rc /* LBD */ if xrc = 1 then wrtk=' output record truncated while'; else wrtk='' /* LBD */ if xrc \= 0 then call MsgOut !term 317, "RC="rc||wrtk, "writing to DD="DDname.wrtfile "DSN='"wrtfile"'", "Record='"wrtrec"'" /* LBD */ drop wrtrec. end Do_SysDsn: dsnarg=arg(1) if ?pipe then pipcmd 'var dsnarg | SYSDSN | buffer | var dsnarg' /* LBD: add quotes around dsnarg 07-28-2017 */ else dsnarg = SYSDSN("'"dsnarg"'") return dsnarg The B2H.SYM file needs to have these records added at the end: *---- Added by LBD to support HCD Graphic Reports 07/28/2017 :SYM. bx0022 bx0220 V='*' :SYM. bx0202 bx2020 bx2200 V='|' -- | | :SYM. bx2002 V='|' -- | | The symbol for the last 2 should be the vertical solid bar in case the ebcdic to ascii fails the translation. The command I then use is: b2h iodf.report (toc=no noindex quiet title="IODF Report" turns off table of contents does not create index does not generate warning messages for tags that don't end with a period (as there are several) sets the title I then use XMITIP to e-mail the html file to my e-mail account for easy viewing using my browser. Hope this helps y'all ymmv -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lionel B. Dyck Mainframe Systems Programmer - TRA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN