On Tue, 29 Aug 2017 19:10:07 +0000, Pommier, Rex <rpomm...@sfgmembers.com> 

>2.  Once it is active, can I use an IDCAMS ALTER to change between the old 
>limit and an extended one?  I am positive the >answer to this is "no, it can 
>only be done at GDG definition time" but am hoping.

>3.  Here's the scenario that has led me to this point.  We just discovered we 
>have a tape based GDG defined with LIMIT(255) >and we have had several 
>generations fall off the end.  This is data we need to recover.  Presuming the 
>answer to question 2 >is "no" as I strongly suspect, does anybody see an 
>unsurmountable problem with (carefully) uncataloging all the tape 
>>generations, redefining the GDG base as extended with an appropriate limit, 
>and recataloging all the generations, including >the ones that have fallen off?

>TIA - again!  


For answer to part 2 and 3 see Marna Wallle's blog.  As always Marna gives good 



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