W dniu 2017-09-29 o 21:15, Edward Gould pisze:
On Sep 29, 2017, at 9:46 AM, R.S. <r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl> wrote:

W dniu 2017-09-25 o 23:23, Jesse 1 Robinson pisze:
ServerPac supplies a number of default names with three qualifiers such as 
SYS1.TCPIP.llq. We routinely eliminate any middle qualifier as being both 
redundant and confusing.

1. SMPE knows data sets by llq. SMPE cannot manage hlq.mlq1.llq and 
hlq.mlq2.llq concurrently. JCLIN does not know from anything other than llq.
2. Who can remember which data set groups have an mlq and which do not?

Does anyone attempt to carry these default names forward to production?
Ad 1. IMHO SMPE knows datasets by DDDEFs, which are usually equal to LLQ, but 
need not to be.
Ad 2. It's much better to look at dslist, not to remember.

Yes, we do carry most of default names, including 3-qualifiers ones. No animal 
was hurt because of that.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


IBM *used* to use only sys1. Then they slipped a few more in, then a few more 
in and kept increasing it.
I got sick and tired of updating the security product almost every 6 month to 
accommodate these changes. Then the security changed from us to a security 
group. Then all hell broke loose, they basically refused to do the update we 
requested as they became a burden to the group (that was their claim). I 
decided at that point it was easier for me to change than depend on an outside 
entity. I made the decission to hell with IBM naming standards and stay with 
It was easier for me to rename the datasets and recatalog them than for the 
security people to get involved (we had a rock solid sys1 rule). Since I had 
control of all compile procedures as well that was a minor additional work for 
me to do.
The CEE and the ICQ (which we never used) and the others (ISR,ISP etc) were 
better maintained by me and only needed minor work.
I chucked IBM’s PITA naming conventions and never looked back. To this day you 
will not find any of those oddball datasets on any system that I am responsible 
System installs (and blackouts although never used) were always a non event. 
One time I had to almost backout a JES2 change which they did not document but 
I used a PDS mass update programs to fix that.
The Hardcoded names like TCPIP… I had to live with and I have never forgiven 
IBM for doing such an jerky thing. The one exception I had to live with, which 
still boils my blood every time I have to deal with them.
BTW, IMO TCPIP was the starter of the of the evil IBM has set loose on sysprogs 
the world over.

Well, I "was born" long after IBM started using other HLQs, not only SYS1. And see no problem with that. Including RACF definitions which are really simple to manage. The "rock solid SYS1 rule" seems to be a little bit obsolete for last 20 years. IMHO there are less troubles and surprises when following current IBM rules, than when trying to change them.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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