At least one person has said they are using git for source code management of 
their z/OS COBOL programs.  A few questions, if you don't mind.
1) Did you have to eliminate the line numbers in columns 1-6?
2) What do your developers use for their COBOL editor?  ISPF?  Off platform IDE?
3) Do you compile using JCL or UNIX?
4) Do you have a 'direct' file system connection (NFS, SMB, etc.) between z/OS 
and workstations?
5) How much UNIX knowledge do your developers need to be productive in this 
6) How do you connect to z/OS UNIX?  ssh?  TSO OMVS?
7) Do you use a GUI/visual merge product?  How?
8) Anything else you'd like to add!
Thanks, Frank

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