On 2017-11-27 7:42 AM, Tom Brennan wrote:
Years ago I was getting help from Greg Price

Probably circa turn of the century (before Vista was also a release of Windows) I thought it might be nice if one the the not-prohibitively-expensive TN3270 clients supported a form of 3270 graphics, and so I sent an email or two to Tom with a view to convincing him that (a) programmed symbol graphics is fully documented in the 3270 Data Stream Programmer's Guide and (b) it is a "simple matter of programming" to implement it.

Looking after a few data structure arrays must be bread-and-butter to anyone who can code up a reliable and function-rich TN3270 client, was my considered opinion, not that I really know about such things, of course.

Basically, the TN3270 client has to
- flag in the response to a Read Partition (Query) that it supports such functionality
- understand and digest the LPS (Load Programmed Symbols) data stream
- render loaded symbols into the screen buffer when SA or SFE orders request a switch to that character set.

A point to remember is that the TN3270 client cannot simply have a storage array for each RWS (read/write storage) being emulated.

An IBM 3279G will show the "green lightning" while an LPS data stream is being processed, but all of the RWSes added up cannot supply enough characters to paint an entire 32x80 screen. So at least some of them are used more than once, in the usual case, before input-inhibit is reset (or the keyboard is unlocked, if you prefer) to allow a user response.

BUT - the symbols rendered when the "first lot" of symbols were in the RWSes must still be rendered that way, even though the relevant RWSes have been overlaid with a new set of symbol data, which is quite often used to render the bit-less-than-second-half of the screen.

So, symbol data must be remembered by the TN3270 client until BOTH of
- the symbols are no longer in any current RWS
- the symbols are no longer displayed on the screen
are true.

At the time, Vista 1.24 was the current release.

Once Tom took up the challenge, in fairly short order (no comment from me on how much work it did or did not take to do it) there was a quite impressive (to me) Vista 1.25 which did a very good job of displaying the graphics that I could produce.

But Tom has serious paying customers who don't really care for what I may or may not want in a TN3270 client and so I gather that these code changes were more of a prototype quality rather than production quality code and so were not copied into the product's code base used going forward.
(Tom can correct me here if I have any of this wrong, of course.)

I think it was Win7 that introduced the Program Data directory, yes?

Anyway, Tom had to make a change to Vista so it was a happy Win7 citizen (IIRC). The net result of the new directory paradigm was that it was a pain to use the 1.25 version under Win7 and later so I gave it away in the end.

Hmmm, probably time to cast the net more widely...

I still refer anyone who asks me about Vista 1.25 to Tom.

I asked Paul Mattes about x3270 graphics support, and he said that it was a to-be-done thing and had been for years. I gave him a TSO graphics program in my brief dialogue with him, and he said that he now had his sample application, the lack of which had been one of the stumbling blocks up till that time. He seemed confident that rendering symbols constructed at run-time would not be a problem. I can't see that much has been done in this area in the years since, though. Still, he does work on it without pay (I believe) so that's understandable. It's probably better to keep it running satisfactorily for the existing customer base that to appease a former MVS sysprog.

My next port-of-call was Hans Erik at Nexus Terminal.

I went through my shtick and he also took up the challenge. Further, it is now part of the base product, and therefore officially supported, I believe.

So, for regular 3270 work, I have the choice of two great TN3270 clients, both with expert support, and for my graphics work, there's Nexus Terminal.

(Bonus points for spotting that the map on the http://www.nexit.com/ web page is from one of my sample pictures available from the REVIEW (TSO command) home page and from CBT file 134.)


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