We transitioned to agile in a similar to what you're doing. We use scrum but only a subset which is suited to to our teams. We start an epic for projects that deliver new function. We then break the epic down into sprints. It helps if you've got good tooling. We use the Atlassian suite with Jira at the core. We create a backlog of Jira tickets for each feature that we prioritize and drag onto the sprint board to start development. Sprints are typically one to two weeks. At the end of the sprint we have a review meeting.

One of the best things about agile is the emphasis on writing tests before the code. A light bulb went on for me when we started doing this. It makes you think very carefully about implementation details, handling exceptions, recovery etc. Writing code to pass tests improves quality. Our testers work with the devs during development as opposed to after the code is complete.

Rocket software's Git port has been a game changer for us. We already used Git for our Eclipse plug-ins so we're familiar with it. To be able to use it on the mainframe is gold dust. We use Atlassian BitBucket which is similar to Github but runs locally and integrates with Jira. We start a Git feature branch for each Jira item on the Agile board. When the task is complete the dev commits the code, opens a pull request and the code is peer reviewed before being approved and merged. Some older developers may not like the idea of their code being peer reviewed but it's absolutely critical and finds so many bugs.

We also use DevOps tools for automated builds and deployment. Atlassian Bamboo is a CI tool similar to Jenkins and integrates with Jira and BitBucket. When a feature branch is merged in BitBucket Bamboo kicks off an automated build, runs tests and then deploys to z/OS. It has a remote Java agent that runs on z/OS that can pull git repos, run Makefiles or Maven builds. You can also run commands over SSH which we do to start/stop servers using REXX SDSF scripts.

It works brilliantly for us. The Atlassian tools integration is amazing. We can track features in Jira which have links to a branch in BitBucket with code diffs showing exactly what changed. In Bamboo we can track what jobs have failed back to the branch and Jira. Of course, you need to have your code in the z/OS UNIX file system to use Git. That might be unacceptable to some shops or not feasible. IBM have a beta for a product that provides CI tooling that works with legacy apps which looks interesting https://www-01.ibm.com/marketing/iwm/iwmdocs/web/cc/earlyprograms/dbb/index.shtml.

On 8/12/2017 10:44 PM, Christopher Y. Blaicher wrote:
Yes you can.  We are transitioning to using agile.  I say transitioning because 
even though we use the agile methodologies of sprints, daily standup meetings, 
stories, epics and all that goes with it, we don't have it perfected, yet.

Our consultant warned us that it takes time to transition into it and get good 
at it, like 12 to 18 months, but we are already seeing results.

It makes you identify what is important and breaks tasks down into bite sized 
chunks that you can better track.

It also makes the product owner break down what is most important to him and 
build that first.  Then you start adding on to it piece by piece.  You don't 
spend 3 years building the Taj Mahal and then find out they didn't really need 
50% of the rooms.  You avoid scope creep.  You get what was originally agreed 
to out the door, and then based on user experience add the next thing they want 
in the next sprint.

Is it easy? Not really.  Is it worth it? Yes.

There is far too much to agile to cover in an email.

Chris Blaicher
Technical Architect
Mainframe Development
P: 201-930-8234  |  M: 512-627-3803
E: cblaic...@syncsort.com

Syncsort Incorporated
2 Blue Hill Plaza #1563
Pearl River, NY 10965

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-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Jake Anderson
Sent: Friday, December 8, 2017 5:55 AM
Subject: Agile Project management in Mainframe System project


Does anyone follow Agile methodologies for Mainframe System project ?

If so can you share me any template you followed for any previous projects.


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