The documentation for "Subpool handling" from the Assembler Services Guide
indicates that (for subpools 0-127, which are task-related) "when the task
terminates, the system automatically releases any of the subpool from
0 through 127 that are unshared and are associated with the task."

It then goes on to note that the SHSPV and SHSPL option on the ATTACH/ATTACHX macro can be used to indicate that a subpool is to be shared (other than subpool 0
which is, by default, shared.)

My question is the attribute of "shared" - once a subpool is marked shared,
can it ever be marked non-shared again?  Once all sub-tasks end, does it
revert back to non-shared, and thus when the main task ends, would the subpool
be released by the OS?

I can't seem to find any commentary on that question... That is - if a multi-task address space shares a subpool; is it the responsibilty
of the main task to release the shared subpool, or will the OS do this when
the main task ends?

 - Thanks -
- Dave Rivers -

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