Gadi Ben-Avi wrote: >Do you know of a way to check the parameter substitution in DD *?
Easy, a quick and dirty trick I sometimes do is this little change: //SYSIN DD *,SYMBOLS=(JCLONLY,X) DELETE KVPO.MOST.DB2DATA.&LVL4..&PART..TRS SET MAXCC = 0 to this one (clear out the SYSIN - at least for IDCAMS SYSIN and place it in a JCL comment): //* DELETE KVPO.MOST.DB2DATA.&LVL4..&PART..TRS //SYSIN DD *,SYMBOLS=(JCLONLY,X) SET MAXCC = 0 Just submit that step (with or without TYPRUN) and if you see the substition is right, then submit the whole job with the correct SYSIN contents. That is a mild, but clean PITA... ;-D Groete / Greetings Elardus Engelbrecht ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN