For those who have not yet come face to face with the latest SDSF (2.3), here's 
the current menu of available functions. Many require additional SAF 
authorization to run even though they appear on the user's menu. I would prefer 
that they not appear at all if not authorized, but that's grist for RFE Land.

NAME     Description              Group

DA       Active users             Jobs

I        Input Queue              Jobs

O        Output Queue             Output

H        Held output Queue        Output

ST       Status of jobs           Jobs

JG       Job groups               JES

SYM      System symbols           System

LOG      System log               Log

SR       System requests          Log

MAS      Members in the MAS       JES

JC       Job classes              JES

SE       Scheduling environments  WLM

RES      WLM resources            WLM

ENC      Enclaves                 WLM

PS       Processes                OMVS

SYS      System information       System

ENQ      Enqueues                 System

DYNX     Dynamic exits            System

AS       Address space memory     Jobs

INIT     Initiators               JES

PR       Printers                 JES

PUN      Punches                  JES

RDR      Readers                  JES

LINE     Lines                    Network

NODE     Nodes                    Network

SO       Spool offload            JES

SP       Spool volumes            JES

NS       Network servers          Network

NC       Network connections      Network

RM       Resource monitor         JES

CK       Health checker           System

LNK      Link list data sets      System

LPA      Link pack data sets      System

APF      APF data sets            System

PAG      Page data sets           System

PARM     Parmlib data sets        System

PROC     Proclib data sets        JES

SSI      Subsystem information    System

CFC      CF Connections           Sysplex

CFS      CF Structures            Sysplex

VMAP     Virtual storage map      Memory

SMSG     SMS storage groups       Devices

SMSV     SMS volumes              Devices

FS       File systems             OMVS

CSR      Common storage remaining Memory

GT       Generic tracker          System

NA       Network activity         Network

DEV      Device activity          Devices

ULOG     User session log         Log



J.O.Skip Robinson

Southern California Edison Company

Electric Dragon Team Paddler

SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager

323-715-0595 Mobile

626-543-6132 Office ⇐=== NEW

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Lizette Koehler
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2018 11:20 AM
Subject: (External):Function in SDSF to list Dynamic Exits

I just stumbled across this a z/OS V2.1 - Just in case anyone else is having to 
work with z/OS Dynamic Exits

In SDSF there is a new function/Panel    DYNX  - I found it to be very helpful

Lizette Koehler

statistics: A precise and logical method for stating a half-truth inaccurately

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