There are a number of commercial products that will send z/OS operational and 
security events to Linux or Windows. I am, ahem, the principal author of one:

There are a number of competitive products but I'll let you do your own Google 
searches. <g>

The SMF exits could be a starting point but they are not for the feint-hearted. 
Cross-memory, locks, SRB, Key 0, that sort of thing.

A better starting point if you wanted to roll your own is "SMF log streams." 
More of a problem state, get-a-record sort of interface.

You might also take a look at IBM Common Data Provider.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of John Roberts
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 3:08 PM
Subject: Sending z/OS Events to Windows Server

I have a need to recognize certain events (creation of a file, completion of a 
JOB, etc) and send basic information about each event to a Windows process near 

The Windows process would be a RESTful web server deployed on the Intranet 
alongside the z/OS box.

I have been out of the SYSPROG loop for quite a while, but I seem to recall 
that the SMF exits are a good place to detect these events.  But I know that 
the SMF exits can't do anything involving a WAIT, so the only thing the exit 
could do would be to post the information to another address space 
cross-memory.  That address space (STARTED task?) could then act as a HTTPS 
client and send the data to the outboard server.

I have been reading about the "z/OS Client Web Enablement Toolkit".  Would this 
work for the HTTPS client?

Whatever I create I need it to work in a vanilla z/OS environment V2.1 or after 
(no CICS etc.).

Does this sound like I am on track? Or is there a better way?

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