Thanks Al, I'm trying to find where I can find CAUNZIP that's described in 
Carmen's link.
From your procedure, I see that I can use jar -xf to unzip and the rest of your 
steps are great, thank you.

It is incredibly annoying that there's a limit of putting 100 fixes into the 
cart... for what reason ?!
Downloading in bulk makes this very, very frustrating.
I've never been this worked up before.. trying to get some bloody fixes in.
I feel like CSM is just a 'push the problem under the carpet' kind of solution.
Wonder why it's hard to have two or more consistent methods of 
product/maintenance retrieval.

Have faced the dangling blank space or irregular .txt when working with IBM 
maintenance too (via SRD), but since I've never had to deal with fixes in bulk 
via SRD, it has been bearable.

– Vignesh
Mainframe Infrastructure

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of Al 
Sent: 18 December 2018 14:52
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fixes from CA


CA has always been a bit different. Here is my solution (2 JOBs). I am assuming 
you have an OMVS Segment and a USS Home Directory. 
        - Start by ordering all the maintenance in 1 bundle (up to 100 fixes, 
do multiple if you need more the 100 fixes). 
        - Then download the file (rename if you have multiples). 
        - Create a “$HOME/CA” directory in USS ($HOME should be your HOME 
        - Upload the files as binary to the $HOME/CA directory 
        - Remove STEP0200 from @10FTPCA.txt (the ftp from CA’s site, as you are 
not connected & the above step did this)
        - STEP0100 will do some directory prep work
        - STEP0300 will
                - UNZIP all the files (if more then one) 
                - put the PTFs & HOLD data in different directories (created by 
                - create some template JCL to include in @11SMPRE.txt
        - Run @10FTOCA.txt
        - Update the CSI, RFPREFIX, and FMIDs for your shop & Product being 
        - View @11SMPRE.txt and do the 2 “COPY ‘~/CA/cntl/SMP*.txt’” ISPF Copy 
          (use the “a” line command on the appropriate DD statement)
        - Move the DD statement over the first line of the newly copied output 

You should be ready to go. You will note that:
        - as we are dealing with the USS Filesystem, the initial transfer only 
is concerned with it being binary; you do not need to be concerned with MVS 
file attributes.
        - the bash script in STEP0300 of @10FTPCA.txt makes sure the DCB 
information is correct for the SMP/E Receive

_______________ @10FTPCA.txt

//@10FTPCA JOB ZOS,'SPGA2F - @10FTPCA',TIME=10,REGION=128M,                     
//         CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=H,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),                                   
//         NOTIFY=&SYSUID                                                       
//*=================  SYSM.CAI.OPSMVS.INSTALL(@10FTPCA)  =============*      
//*                                                                   *         
//STEP0100 EXEC PGM=AOPBATCH,PARM='sh'                                          
//STDIN    DD DATA,DLM=@@                                                       
set -vx                                                                         
#  Set bash variables used later                                                
#   Ensure necessary working directories exist, if not, create them             
if [ ! -d "$BASE/cntl" ]; then; mkdir -p "$BASE/cntl"; fi                       
if [ ! -d "$BASE/info" ]; then; mkdir -p "$BASE/info"; fi                       
if [ ! -d "$BASE/pax"  ]; then; mkdir -p "$BASE/pax" ; fi                       
if [ ! -d "$BASE/ptfs" ]; then; mkdir -p "$BASE/ptfs"; fi                       
if [ ! -d "$BASE/HOLD" ]; then; mkdir -p "$BASE/HOLD"; fi                       
#   Move remaining pax, pdf, & HOLD Files into other directories ...            
mv $BASE/*.pax.Z $BASE/pax/                                                     
mv $BASE/*.pdf   $BASE/pax/                                                     
mv $BASE/ALL-HOLDDATA.TXT $BASE/HOLD/                                           
echo 'All done.'                                                                
//STDOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                                          
//STDERR   DD SYSOUT=*                                                          
//*                                                                   *         
<> ( EXIT'                    
//*    Use mget /siteNo/orderNo/*.type (REPLACE                                 
//INPUT    DD DATA,DLM=@@                                                       
user <>               
lcd /u/yourid/CA/ptfs                                                           
mget *.zip                                                                      
//OUTPUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                                          
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                          
//*        Expected RC=0000                                                     
//STEP0300 EXEC PGM=AOPBATCH,PARM='sh'                                          
//STDIN    DD DATA,DLM=@@                                                       
set -vx                                                                         
#  Set bash variables used later                                                
HOLDDAT="//         DD LRECL=80,RECFM=FB,PATH='&HOLD/"                          
PTFSBIN="//         DD LRECL=80,RECFM=FB,PATH='&PTFS/"                          
PTFSTXT="//         DD LRECL=81,RECFM=FB,PATH='&PTFS/"                          
#  ... Set working dirctory ...                                                 
cd $BASE/ptfs                                                                   
#  ... UnZip file ...                                                
jar -xf *.zip                                                                   
#   Move Informational PTFs (RI*.txt) into info directory ...                   
mv $BASE/ptfs/RI*.txt $BASE/info/                                               
mv $BASE/ptfs/SI*.txt $BASE/info/                                               
#   Create SMPPTFIN and SMPHOLD JCL Includes                                    
#   Process HOLDDATA JCL                                                        
cd $BASE/HOLD                                                                   
ls -1 *.TXT | xargs -Ifile echo "$HOLDDAT"file"'"  >$BASE/cntl/SMPHOLD.txt      
#   Process PTF JCL                                                             
cd $BASE/ptfs                                                                   
ls -1 *.BIN | xargs -Ifile echo "$PTFSBIN"file"'"  >$BASE/cntl/SMPPTFIN.txt     
ls -1 *.txt | xargs -Ifile echo "$PTFSTXT"file"'" >>$BASE/cntl/SMPPTFIN.txt     
//STDOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                                          
//STDERR   DD SYSOUT=*                                                          

_______________ @11SMPRE.txt

//@11SMPRE JOB ZOS,'SPGA2F - @11SMPRE',TIME=10,REGION=128M,                     
//         CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=H,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),                                   
//         NOTIFY=&SYSUID                                                       
//*=================  SYSM.CAI.OPSMVS.INSTALL(@11SMPRE)  =============*      
//*    EXPECTED RETURN CODE:  00                                      *         
//     SET PTFS='/u/yourid/CA/ptfs'                                             
//     SET HOLD='/u/yourid/CA/HOLD'                                             
//RECEIVE  EXEC PGM=GIMSMP,                                                     
//         PARM='DATE=U,CSI=SMPE.CAI.OPSMVS.CSI'                                
//*   SMPHOLD DD's "COPY '~/CA/cntl/SMPHOLD.txt'"                       
//SMPHOLD  DD                                                                   
//*  SMPPTFIN DD's "COPY '~/CA/cntl/SMPPTFIN.txt'"                      
//SMPPTFIN DD                                                                   
//SMPCNTL  DD DATA,DLM=@@                                                       
  SET BDY(GLOBAL).                                                              
  RECEIVE SYSMODS RFPREFIX(SMPE.CA1)                                            
    FORFMID (                                                                   
      CCLXD00 /*CA OPS/MVS Base                               */                
      CCLXD01 /*CA OPS/MVS OPSLOG WebView and Web Features    */                
      CCLXD03 /*CA OPS/MVS CICS Operations Facility           */                
      CCLXD04 /*CA OPS/MVS OPSHMC REXX                        */                
      CC2D800 /*SOLVE                                         */                
    /*CC2D770   Hardware Interface Service                    */                
    /*CC2D771   CA Management Services                        */                
    /*CE2J200   CA Mainframe Connector                        */                
//SMPOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                                          
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                          
//IDIOFF   DD DUMMY                                                             
//SYSUDUMP DD DUMMY                                                             


Al Ferguson       | 
Milwaukee, WI USA |

Dulcius ex Asperis

> On 18 December 2018, at 08:36, Sankaranarayanan, Vignesh 
> < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> Yes, I get and unzip it on a PC.
> I then set quote site parameters and mput them bunch by bunch.
> Like... mput *.bin, mput *.txt, and so on.
> Should I just chuck the into USS, and process there? Haven't done 
> that before... any sample JCL?
> - Vignesh
> Mainframe Infrastructure
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU 
> <mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>> On Behalf Of Cieri, Anthony
> Sent: 18 December 2018 14:30
> Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Fixes from CA
> The last time I applied maintenance to a CA product, I believe that there was 
> a way to order all of the fixes that you wanted and get them in a .zip files. 
> The filename was something like I was able to download this file 
> from the CA site and then upload it to z/OS in a USS file.
> Once in z/OS (USS) I used a program called CAUNZIP to unzip and SMP/E receive 
> all of the PTFs. I believe that there is some documentation and sample JCL 
> for CAUNZIP on the CA site.
> Tony
> ________________________________________
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU 
> <mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>] on behalf of Sankaranarayanan, 
> Vignesh [ 
> <>]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 9:02 AM
> Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Fixes from CA
> [[ SEI WARNING *** This email was sent from an external source. Do not 
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> Not connected to any vendor from the mainframe..
> - Vignesh
> Mainframe Infrastructure
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU 
> <mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>> On Behalf Of Vernooij, Kees (ITOP 
> NM) - KLM
> Sent: 18 December 2018 13:59
> Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Fixes from CA
> Are you connected to IBM, if so, why not to CA?
> Kees.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU 
>> On Behalf Of Sankaranarayanan, Vignesh
>> Sent: 18 December, 2018 14:52
>> Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Fixes from CA
>> Nope, not using CSM.
>> Mainframe is not connected to CA, so CSM is severely handicapped 
>> without connectivity to CA.
>> Yes, it works with offline packages, but I can't be bothered with 
>> that set of actions.. would rather get it working with basic Windows FTP.
>> - Vignesh
>> Mainframe Infrastructure
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU 
>> <mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>> On Behalf Of Elardus Engelbrecht
>> Sent: 18 December 2018 13:48
>> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Fixes from CA
>> Sankaranarayanan, Vignesh wrote:
>>> On getting a bunch of Solutions downloaded from the CA site for a
>> product, the subsequent uploads to mainframe fail because the .txt 
>> files go on for more than 80 cols. This is super annoying as I'm 
>> looking to upload hundreds of PTF HOLDDATA. I've used quote site
>> lrecl=80 but when the first line of R1235.txt is 81 columns, how many 
>> ever lines the file has, FTP-ing it from desktop to mainframe brings in only 
>> the first line.
>> Did you contacted CA for assistance? They should know how to assist you.
>> Groete / Greetings
>> Elardus Engelbrecht
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