Denis Molony has an interesting new open source freeware mainframe tool in development an XMIT file viewer which you can find on GitHub. It is written in Java and supports Mac Windows and Linux platforms. It is in a usable state and I'm sure he would appreciate feedback, stars, follows on GitHub.
Best Regards, Sam Knutson | VP, Product Management | Compuware @samknutson | | M: +1 301 996-1318 The contents of this e-mail are intended for the named addressee only. It contains information that may be confidential. Unless you are the named addressee or an authorized designee, you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you received it in error please notify us immediately and then destroy it ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN