Thanks. I looked at the IBM documentation

Not an easy read by any means and it seems the 72 hours limit on CPE won't
work for our environment.

So the only option appears to be OOCoD.

Interesting for CBU you can upgrade from a base machine to any model so
long as it does not require adding more hardware but for OOCoD you can only
go up 100%

On Fri, Nov 29, 2019, 12:49 AM Parwez Hamid <>

> Adding my 2 cents worth:
> Within the Capcity on Demand (CoD) offering for Z, there are a number of
> options available for different types of situations. Some have already been
> mentioned. A couple of useful docs:
>   1.  IBM Redbook. Capacity on Demand SG24-7504. Almost 10 years old.
> Apart from some 'enhancements' to the offering (mainly to do with
> pricing/maintenance charges and entitlement to carry foward 'options' when
> upgrading to a newer Z system) and adding of the System Recovery Boost
> (SRB) option for the z15, the main content is still relevant.
>   2.  zSystem Capacity On Demand User’s Guide  -  SC28-6943
> All the CoD options i.e. CBU, CIU, CPE, On/Off CoD and SRB have T&Cs. Key
> point about the contracts is that some may be localised for an individual
> country. In addition, different CoD records have different time
> limits/expiration dates.
> Some additional points:
>   1.  Its a given that to activate the additional capacity, the physical
> resource is already available in the system.
>   2.  CPE has been mentioned. CPE is temporary access to capacity intended
> to replace capacity lost within the enterprise due to a planned event such
> as a facility upgrade or system relocation. CPE is similar to CBU in that
> it is intended to replace lost capacity; however, it differs in its scope
> and intent. Where CBU addresses disaster recovery scenarios that can take
> up to three months to remedy, CPE is intended for short-duration events
> lasting up to three days, maximum.
>   3.  On/Off CoD. On/Off CoD is available for up to twice the ‘purchased’
> capacity of a given machine.  On/Off CoD upgrades are allowed for any
> processor configuration, up to the limit, as long as the number or capacity
> level of the processors is increased.  Upgrades that decrease the number or
> the capacity level of processors is not allowed.
> In his response below, Tim mentions Instant Recovery. This is the same as
> System Recovery Boost (SRB). A few poinst about this option:
>   1.  The name can be bit mis-leading. The 'instant' applies to the
> capability of ACTIVATING additional CAPACITY during/after an IPL - planned
> or unplanned..
>   2.  This is limited to a short duration i.e. minutes/hours rather than
> days!
>   3.  Some the documentation states 'speed'. Remember, this refers to the
> 'speed' of bringing down/up of the OS and sub-systems. This is done by
> ACTIVATING ADDITIONAL capacity and not by changing the GHz of the processor.
> Regards
> Parwez Hamid​
> ________________________________
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> on behalf
> of Timothy Sipples <>
> Sent: 28 November 2019 09:14
> Subject: Re: OOCoD experiences?
> Jerry Whitteridge wrote:
> >We looked at this before I moved to IBM and had
> >to rule it out as the Hardware side only bills you
> >for the Capacity by the day activated (e.g. Use OOCoD
> >for 7 days and get charged for the 7 days at higher
> >capacity) BUT software is billed by the month so you
> >get the full month at the higher capacity even if you
> >only turned on OOCoD for an hour.
> First of all, what you describe was never true, not the way you describe it
> anyway.
> 1. Sub-capacity Monthly License Charge (MLC) IBM software was/is based on
> the monthly peak *four* hour rolling average (4HRA). A *one hour* OOCoD
> activation is not four hours, so it was/is mathematically impossible for
> your MLC to report a 4HRA equal to or even particularly near the total MSU
> capacity inclusive of the one hour OOCoD activation.
> 2. "One-Time Charge" (OTC) IBM software, a.k.a. IPLA software, allows daily
> OOCoD pricing -- "per MSU day."
> 3. You were/are also allowed to set softcapping on machines across OOCoD
> activation(s), and with some potential "white space" (free) capacity
> utilization. Sub-capacity reports will never report above the softcap(s).
> Laurence Chiu wrote:
> >I think there might be a software deal in the mix also based
> >on Tailor Fit Pricing but it's good to know all the ramifications.
> Yes, that's right. With Tailored Fit Pricing peak MSUs (4HRA or otherwise)
> no longer matter as such.
> There's also now Instant Recovery on IBM z15 machines, with z/OS System
> Recovery Boost. There is no software reported capacity associated with
> legal/valid z/OS System Recovery Boost(s).
> >CBU won't work because the site is out of country.
> Does your workload qualify for Capacity for Planned Events (CPE), and are
> CPE's T&C compatible with cross-border requirements?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Timothy Sipples
> IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM Z & LinuxONE
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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